
The ASEE Diversity Committee currently manages awards for two activities: Student Essay & Video Contest, and Best Diversity Paper. Please see the information below or the respective pages for more information on each.

In addition to these diversity specific awards, we encourage everyone to think broadly and inclusively as they consider nominations for ALL ASEE Awards. For the complete list of ASEE awards, go to

Student Essay & Video Contest

Submissions Open until February 1, 2017

Students, tell us your stories and share your perspectives! The American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) envisions widespread, inclusive, and equitable environments in engineering, academia, and industry that embrace individual differences and leverage diversity for a better engineered tomorrow. The Board of Directors established the 2016-2017 year as the year to Commit to P12: When Engineering Begins. In response to this celebration and focus of P12 education, the ASEE Diversity Committee wants students from all walks of life and grade levels (graduate, undergraduate, and P12) to share their community story by submitting an entry into the essay and/or video contests. Each entry should clearly answer the prompt provided and follow all rules.
To learn more, check out:

Best Diversity Paper

2016 Finalists

For more information about the Best Diversity Paper Award, check out Finalists for the 2016 Best Diversity Paper Award presented their award winning papers at a Best Diversity Papers session at the annual meeting.

The finalists for the 2016 Best Diversity Paper Award are listed below:

Paper Title Division/Zone
Instructional Strategies for Incorporating Empathy in Transdisciplinary Technology Education
by Colin M. Gray, Luciana de Cresce El Debs, Marisa Exter, and Terri S. Krause (Purdue University, West Lafayette)
Engineering Ethics Division
Where are they Now? Analyses of Alumnae Data
by Andrea L Welker (Villanova University)
Civil Engineering Division
'Turning away' from the Struggling Individual Student: An Account of the Cultural Construction of Engineering Ability in an Undergraduate Programming Class
by Stephen Douglas Secules, Andrew Elby, and Ayush Gupta (University of Maryland, College Park)
Educational Research and Methods Division
The Effect of Financial Support on Academic Achievement and Retention of Female Engineering Students
by Yang Lydia Yang and Bette Grauer (Kansas State University)
Women in Engineering Division
A Multi-Institutional Study of the Relationships between Nontraditional and Traditional Undergraduate Engineering Students
by Tressa Kay Mikel, Frank Q. Hoang, Emi Okada, Pedro Sung Hoe Kim, Audrianna Rodriguez, Maria-Isabel Carnasciali, Shannon Ciston (University of California, Berkeley/ University of New Haven)
Pacific Southwest Section
(WINNER) Mapping Assets of Diverse Groups for Chemical Engineering Design Problem Framing Ability
by Vanessa Svihla, Abhaya K. Datye, Jamie R Gomez, Victor Law, and Sophia Bowers (University of New Mexico)
Chemical Engineering Division