Student Essay & Video Contest

Students, tell us your story or share your perspective!

The American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) envisions widespread, inclusive, and equitable environments in engineering, academia, and industry that embrace individual differences and leverage diversity for a better engineered tomorrow. The Board of Directors established the 2016-2017 year as the year to Commit to P12: When Engineering Begins. In response to this celebration and focus of P12 education, the ASEE Diversity Committee wants students from all walks of life and grade levels (graduate, undergraduate, and P12) to share their community story by submitting an entry into the essay and/or video contests. Each entry should clearly answer the prompt provided below and follow all rules.

Prompt & Requirements



Eligibility Requirements & Contest Rules


Winners are selected by a group of reviewers from the ASEE Diversity Committee. Up to 3 awards will be given as prizes for the top submissions from all categories.



September 1: Contest submission open
February 1: Submission deadline
March 1: Submission review deadline
April 1: Winner notification deadline



Please click the button below to complete the essay and video submission form.

2015-2016 Winners

Click on the names of our winners to listen to, watch, or read their entries.